Sunday, 26 April 2015

Guitar leadership

This week in guitar I learnt how to play paint it black its and its a medium song have a listen have a listen it's a good song 😍

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

My Leadership goal for this term

My goal is to win cross country because I would like to win the cup this year. For my Learning goal I would like to complete all my SDL every week and to do well in reading,writing and maths.

                                                     By Olivia :)

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

leadership Must do

This week when I was on my way out of the school gate one of my friends dropped his chocolate when I saw him drop them I ran straight over to help. When we were picking them up a little boy thought that he was funny and decided that he was going to steal one of the chocolate blocks  I had to stop the little boy from stealing the chocolate. After that friend thanked me and then I went home.